Life as a beer commercial (Literally)
There's strange, there's surreal and then there is being unable to park in front of my old apartment to watch football with friends and roommates because a Bud Light commercial is filming in front of the apartment building.
Of course, we didn't realize this at first. Ryan Ferrell and I just drove up and noticed a film crew and two scantily clad tanned hot chicks (distinguished from each other pretty much by hair color only) in a red pickup truck with a large ugly floral print couch in the back. There also appeared to be a chainsaw in the truck. Baffled, we parked at a nearby park and walked into the shot to get into my old place.
While getting a pizza we talked to the neighbor who lived upstairs (and who coincendentally was letting some of the crew use his apartment for the shoot) and he told us that it was for Bud Light. This made sense because most of the elements of a beer commerical seemed to be chicks, power tools, and uh...Southern California.
We were intrigued (six of us guys) and so once in awhile we'd peek out our head to see what was going on. We felt like since we were six twentysomething white guys watching football, there was a good chance we would appear in the commercial since we were the key demographic.
There was a funny and awkward moment when Joel, Chris and I were milling around the door (I just had my head extended out of the door) when the brunette model girl showing off her tanned midriff opened the gate and walked upstairs... She gave a half smile and and a weak "Hi...." and we did the same. Then Collin inexplicably lit up his big glass hookah and started smoking while sitting on the stairs. Brunette walked back down and took a hit off the hookah and told us where "an awesome hookah bar" was.
Finally the shooting in front of our apartment ended (we wondered if they got the two old mattresses in our carport in the shot) and we heard the chainsaws running in the backyard behind the house across the street. We speculated about what role those chainsaws were playing in the commercial...Collin predicting that the girls would chop the couch in two to get it in the house and shenanigans would ensue and another more macabre suggestion was that the girls themselves would be sawed.
As the camera crews left for the day, we laughed that the first time our parents see our apartment (in this case the one I lived in for my first eight months in L.A.) would be on a beer commercial.
Ahh, just another day in L.A.