Anatomy of a Super Bowl Party
If this was a beer commercial, this would be the point where I'd say "Well, fellas, it don't get much better than this." This of course, was the first quarter still and I didn't care that the water was only 75 degrees. Doom was to come later. Much later.The hot tub the guys at Strand Street were able to drudge up for free from Craigslist the day before the party. Apparently the upstairs neighbors were not happy about the noise of the actual moving of said hot tub.
Having a party hosted by guys that work for a major audiovisual company means there were televisions and screens EVERYWHERE. Including the bathroom, where I almost missed the toilet because Peyton Manning's INT toss occurred well...midstream.
After the sunset, seeing the Super Bowl outside on a huge screen like this was pretty great. I could even see the screen clearly from Taco Bell across the street.
This was the 50 inch plasma screen that I watched from the hot tub and elsewhere.
By halftime, I was beginning to feel a bit glum. Thanks, Rex Grossman.
And of course, the obligatory kitchen counter TV.
I was so angry, I accidentally scared Debbie Kim out of her wits by going into Bear Mode.