An Eventful Day...
It's been a month since my last post, but today has been quite the interesting day. Wow, where to begin?
For starters, I have a new job. Or at least I will have one soon. I accepted a position at a newspaper in Santa Monica (I've learned my lesson about posting too much information on a public blog so I won't name it specifically.) as a news reporter. It definately feels good to be back in journalism after 10 months of being out of The Game. I think I had begun to take for granted what good newspaper jobs I'd had for the last five years in Missouri and in L.A. I got a rude awakening.
In my nine months here, I'd been a low paid Ebay store whore for a overly bossy pretzel and baby video entrepreneur, a driftless bottom rung office temp at a ritzy hotel and bank, a dream job that collapsed in scandal after three months, and most recently a low paid perma-temp at a large video game company where anything and everything goes. Some of the jobs were boring and terrible, the others were fun, but also unsatisfying in a esoteric sense. As corny as it sounds, I feel like I'm contributing to the "Public Good" in some sense by informing people and giving them information to help them make decisions not sumply helping a corporation make profits so I can reap my own piece of the pie.
That said, I think I'm going to come back to newspapers like Allen Iverson will probably play for the Nuggets in the next few months. With a vengeance. I will do the equivalent of breaking ankles with a killer crossover move. Yeah.
Part II
I can't say I've ever been intimately involved with an engagement before...myself or others. But that changed this week with my roommate Ryan's engagement. But before you go ahead and make the leap in thinking I'm gay, let me explain...
Monday night, Ryan called together the "meeting of the minds" AKA several of us guys to discuss his impending engagement which occurred last night. His plan was to take his girlfriend Amanda to the Venice canals where we're going to set up a boat for him (He slyly convinced a woman who lives there to let him borrow her oar-driven row boat). From there he planned to slowly row the boat through several sections of the canal and then is going to stop at a bridge illuminated brightly with several large blue snowflakes and other lights. At the apex of the bridge, he will ask to marry her. Afterwards, they would return to our place where I and other people will be waiting with obligatory/celebratory champagne.
Now, you might be able to imagine the ridiculous scenario of seven guys discussing ways to make an engagement cool. (Where was the Queer Eye for the Straight Guy crew when we needed them?) Here were some of the suggestions thrown out - fireworks shot through the air timed to music. Chinese floating candles on the river. Europe's The Final Countdown played after she says 'Yes', Scott hiding in the canals in a wetsuit and then popping out with the ring when he begins to pop the question, Collin dressing up as Posideon with a trident wearing only seaweed, guns being shot into the air, an old car being set on fire and all sorts of other crazyness. Luckily Ryan is the sensible one and ruled out everything except for the floating candles and hot cocoa and music on the boat.
This all seemed to pretty well go as planned except that Andy forgot to turn on the Repeat All button on the boombox and had to sprint away as Ryan and Amanda walked down the stairs, Amanda initially thought they were stealing someone's boat, Ryan rowed the boat backwards most of the way, and the lady who owned the boat almost blew Ryan's cover before he popped the question. But of course, she said yes and we all can rest peacefully. I think.
Part III
Apparently this blog was mentioned on a radio show in Portland yesterday. That's according to Brian Blank, who called me after he was on the air during the show for some story he was doing (Brian works for CNN in New York). Apparently there was sort of on-air banter between Brian and the radio show host, and they asked what Brian looked like. So a producer for the show looked up his name on Google and found this old Sasquatch Journal post
So the host asked Brian if he had spiky hair, a Sasquatch shirt and stood next to 'a ceramic penis." Brian knew what he was referring to, but played dumb. "OK, well do you have a shaved head and are standing next to a ceramic penis?" Brian also said no, because technically it was not ceramic, it was bronze. And it was a vagina, not a penis.
Well, friends, this is all worth it now. All of this writing I've done in this blog is justified now that a picture statue's penis with me and Brian standing in front of it was mentioned on air in Portland, Oregon. Maybe, I should retire from writing now.
Two side notes here:
1. You would think maybe I'd take down that offending post now and perhaps not mention Brian Blank's full name anymore. But what are friends for? Plus, next time I shooting for a radio station in Spokane.
2. So far my blog has led to this incident, me being almost fired from a job, and has led to me being contacted by a private investigator and angry investors and lawyers. Ahh the wonders of the internet!